Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Website Packages - Ordered Online

The cost of a website is mostly dependent on the time it takes to build.  For years, many small business owners have had to compromise between the website they want and the website they can afford.

Click the image for video and more info.
Competition for online exposure via the web and in Social Media is now more intense than ever. A high quality website is an absolute must. And so is at least a certain amount of online advertising.

For small businesses in the start-up phase, slow cash-flow can mean that the website is left until later or done DIY, usually at the detriment to the rate of growth.

Having a very intimate understanding of this challenge myself, I saw a clear need to offer a quality website in the low price bracket. The problem was that every business is different, and every website needs to reflect that difference. And a custom design requires a certain amount of time.

The solution to this problem: A high quality, extendable website package that is easily affordable as a complete build, and a downright bargain if a customer is happy to prepare their own content.

So here it is: The Budget Pro Website package.

Lime Dezign's Budget Pro Website online shop enables customers to click through, adding their selected options to a shopping cart and uploading any necessary files/notes as they go. The base price for a website is a low $379, and a full package complete with absolutely everything including domain registration, hosting, image sourcing, copy writing and Xpress logo design will only cost $1213.

The Budget Pro website is not something that will suit every business, but for simple businesses and small start-ups it's a God-send.

Built on the Wordpress platform, it's easy to use and manage with just basic computer skills. It's also mobile responsive.  And it's future-proof with updates, extensions and a huge range of alternative themes.

If you know someone who needs a website and may be delayed with time or cost, share this with them. It's probably just the boost they need to get things going!

Here's the link; http://www.limedezign.com.au/index.php/budget-pro-websites

PS. Let me know what you think of the videos... Especially if you don't like them! Seriously. :)